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April 29, 2009


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I've only just stumbled upon this, but am absolutely in love! Are versions available to purchase at all? And would you mind if I featured this on my blog? If so, i'd love any other images you are able to provide (of this and other work).

Miss B xx


Sorry for my very bad english, but I love your work. It must took hours to do this !
I will come sometimes to look for your news, best, sophie

i love this. maybe is amsterdam the next challenge?

superbe! il faut absolument le commercialiser! viite!!!
c'est delicat et on le veut pour chez soi...

Wah!! This is..whaaa! you're so talented!

Absolutely love your map, its beautiful! Hope we can buy one soon.

I love this so much and can't wait to buy a poster!

These are just FANTASTIC - and of course I'll be wanting to stock them :-)

Wow these look fabulous...My friend and I have just been to Paris, we met up with lots of other bloggers, some who live in Paris, two from Australia and us from oxfordshire, so I think I would have the Paris cut out !!

Quel travail! C'est vraiment tres beau.
Jadore, j'espere le voir en vrai bientot.

Amazing! Looking forward to seeing the posters.

outstanding!! I can't wait to get my hands on one!!!

It's looking fantastic! Can't wait to see them in the shop.

You are like the craft equivalent of white coat syndrome - my heart is racing! BEAUTIFUL. And I LOVE the tourists taking the picture of the horse guard.

Wow! Just wow!
Can't wait for the posters!

C'est tout simplement beau et magique !
bravo à la reine du dessin découpé...

this is absolutely stunning... i can't wait to see the whole thing! xx

these are simply amazing!

I did wonder how you were going to cover London, however I love it and can't wait to see the finished product.

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