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April 15, 2009


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May I please have some more info about you as an artist. I am very inspired my your brilliant work as an art student, love it! :D

what is the name of this artist that produces this stunnng work?

They are absolutely fantastic! You are so talented! Will they be available in different colours at a later date?

I love when I have the opportunity to read blogs as interesting as this. really thanks and congratulations.

can someone chop your head off with paper??

cos what would happen if you gave someone a paper cut on their head and just kept sawing???

avec quel outil faites vous vos découpages?

Wow! Absolutely great!
My compliment!

Extraordinaire ! La carte de Paris rêvée ...

This looks fabulous. I do hope you put it in your shop!

I'm looking forward to seeing both prints in your shop - I have great memories from travelling to Paris and London and I think these maps would make wonderful mementos.

This is fabulous - look forward to London, xv.

How beautiful! Can't wait to see London :)

Oh my goodness. My heart goes pitterpat. I want this so badly it aches. Marvelous work.

WoW...please do Amsterdam too one day! irenexx

just beautiful. you are so very, very talented.

Incredible! I had to post on my blog.

what a great idea!! It's beautiful


Oh to have that talent! So lovely!

This is só GREAT!
I love it.....

thanks to Black Eiffel I found you and I am so happy about this discovery ... your cut work is amazing and I had good time going through your blog pages ...

if you are making this into a poster, i soo am going to buy this! i am getting married in two weeks, and he proposed to me in paris, so this would be just perfect!

this is truly phenomenal! well done!


Truly amazing. Such beautiful, intricate detailing. Wow. I love Paris! Makes me want to go there again...one day!

Magnifique! We just got back from Paris and could have used such a map! Merci!

Thank you all for your lovely comments! it gives me plenty of energy to cut London map! and yes soon Paris & London maps will be available on FS shop.
Have a lovely weekend

superbe!! que de details...

M a g n i f i q u e ... Bravo

clever girl! hope all family well?!

Its Amazing! I agree with Sam and hope that it will feature in future products. Love your blog too!

Fantastique, super idee! c'est superbe...

It is so minute! I cannot imagine the time spent in this work.

It is so beautiful! Will you be using it for any products? I hope so!!

I'm the world's laziest commenter but I just had to tell you that is STUNNING! Can't wait to see your London one.

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