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June 02, 2010


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Stunning! I love it!

I luuuv it! Definitely gonna buy it! Elle ira bien avec celle de Paris qui est deja dans la chambre de mon fils (in sunny Scotland) :D

Dis-donc ça a l'air sublime !!! bravo ma bichette, tu cartonnes comme d'hab. Miss u +++

WOW! It's just beautiful! Love that green. Can't wait to see the whole design..

Looks amazing - bravo! can't wait to see the finished map!

Hooray! And well done! Can't wait to see the print and the colours you've chosen.

Can't wait!


amazing work !
j'attends l'image dans son intégralité avec impatience.

Combien de temps as-tu passe a travailler? c'est incroyable!

I cannot wait to see the full picture, it looks amazing :-)

Can't wait to see the full image too! My gosh it's just gorgeous.


So very beautiful, really can't wait to see the full image.

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